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Why Are My Teeth Yellow? Causes and Solutions for a Whiter Smile

happy lady smileWe all want a bright, white smile that makes us feel confident. However, many people struggle with yellow or discoloured teeth. If you find yourself wondering, “Why are my teeth so yellow?” you’re not alone. There are several potential causes behind yellow teeth, but the good news is many solutions are available.

At Dental On Falconer, we believe everyone deserves to have a smile they feel proud to share with the world. Let’s explore some common reasons for yellow teeth and how our team can help you achieve a whiter, more radiant smile.

Conditions and Causes of Tooth Yellowing

Tooth discolouration can occur for a variety of reasons, including

  • Staining From Food and Drink – beverages like coffee, tea, red wine and cola, as well as pigmented foods like berries and tomatoes, can leave stubborn stains on your enamel over time. These extrinsic stains affect just the outer tooth surface.
  • Poor Oral Hygiene – not brushing and flossing regularly allows plaque and tartar buildup, which can turn your teeth an unsightly yellowish-brown colour.
  • Tobacco Use – nicotine and tar in cigarettes, vapes and other tobacco products are notorious for causing severe staining and discolouration.
  • Aging and Enamel Erosion – as we get older, the outer enamel layer begins to thin, allowing more of the yellowish dentin layer underneath to show through.
  • Genetics – some people simply have thicker, brighter enamel than others based on their genes. Those with thinner enamel tend to develop a yellow tint sooner.
  • Antibiotics and Other Medications – certain antibiotics like tetracycline can cause intrinsic discolouration of a child’s developing teeth if taken during pregnancy or early childhood.
  • Excessive Fluoride – too much fluoride can lead to fluorosis, a condition that causes white streaks or yellow/brown mottling on the teeth.
  • Medical Treatments – chemotherapy and radiation can increase the risk of yellow or brown staining on teeth. Trauma that impacts tooth development can also cause discolouration.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

The right treatment for your yellow teeth depends on the specific cause of the discolouration. We offer several highly effective options at our clinic, including

  • Professional Teeth Whitening – our in-office power whitening treatment lifts deep, set-in stains up to eight shades in about an hour. We also offer professional-grade at-home whitening kits
  • Enamel Microabrasion – we gently remove the thin outer layer of stained enamel to reveal the pristine tooth surface underneath through microabrasion
  • Veneers – these ultra-thin porcelain shells bond to the front of your teeth, instantly concealing severe discolouration and other imperfections with a brand-new smile

Practising Ongoing Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing twice daily, flossing, avoiding staining foods/drinks and tobacco, and having regular professional cleanings help prevent new stains. We always start with a thorough dental exam and discuss the reasons behind your tooth discolouration. From there, our cosmetic dentists recommend the ideal solution based on your unique needs and goals.

More Confidence Starts With a Brighter Smile

Don’t let yellow, stained teeth keep you from living your brightest life. The dental team at Dental On Falconer has the skills and expertise to eliminate stubborn tooth discolouration so you can smile boldly again in no time!

Contact us today at (07) 5571 0866 to schedule your teeth whitening consultation. Let’s discuss how we can help you achieve a radiantly white, beautiful smile you’ll be proud to share with the world.

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